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Which Video Editing Software is Best for Me?

Alright, I said we would have to get into video at some point, so buckle up. Quite honestly, I still consider myself very new to film. However, I do have experience with different editing software and video/film is one of the things that I am most interested in and eager to get better at. There are so many different programs for editing videos that it can seem extremely overwhelming, but that is what I am here for. At my university, I was essentially thrown to the wolves so to speak when it comes to learning how to edit video. I took a course all about visual communication and when i say it was one of the hardest but best classes i have ever taken, I mean it. Everything was fine until we reached the video section of the course. Although i was excited to learn more about film, i was expecting to be eased into it and start with an easy software to get my toes wet.

Needless to say that is not what happened and the first program i was introduced to was Adobe Premier Pro and After Effects. If you are not familiar with these programs they are essentially the top of the line when it comes to editing video and the skill level needed for it. I was completely overwhelmed with all the buttons, functions and possibilities within this software. However, after a few months of teaching myself both outside and in class, I finally understood the basics of each of these softwares and some of the possibilities within them. That might not sound like much progress but believe me when i say for these monsters of programs, it was and i was ecstatic. Even though it caused me a huge amount of stress and frustration, learning these programs was the best thing that I have ever done in terms of progressing my knowledge and career. If you are adventurous and willing, my advice would be to dive right in to these programs and learn them. It will be hard at first but it is possible to learn them.

But, if i didn't already scare you enough and you still want to start learning how to edit video/film, but at a slower pace with more user-friendly programs, 10BestOnes has an amazing YouTube video that breaks down and classifies programs into their skill category. Good luck!!

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